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Alive in You is run by Heather and Jim Weir, a married couple who love God and believe in teenagers.

Jim Weir has been involved in youth ministry since 1996 and is currently the Director of Youth Ministry at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Fayetteville, AR.


Jim has been a keynote speaker at Catholic conferences, retreats, and service camps throughout the United States, and has led mission trips to various foreign countries. Jim has a degree in marketing from Mississippi State University.


What I bring to the table: I bring strong understanding of the culture in which our young people live. I have a deep love for our Catholic faith, and an ability to inspire and motivate young people to live their lives for Christ.
My Catholic Hero: My dad - he's a great father and husband, and he'll do whatever it takes to support his family.
Favorite Sports Team: Mississippi State Basketball (Go Dawgs!) 
Favorite Food: Greasy New York Pizza
Favorite Childhood Toy: Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots. Transformers! More than meets the eye!
If it was an Olympic event, I would win a gold medal for: Watching College Basketball
Favorite late night snack: Powdered Doughnut Gems and Milk
I do a great imitation of: A float at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
I'm most proud of: Being able to provide for my family so Heather is able to stay at home with our children



Heather Weir has an Organizational Communications degree from Rollins College, and she has been involved in nearly every facet of ministry within the Catholic Church. Since 2002, Heather has managed and coordinated youth ministry service camps for youth groups throughout the United States.


What I bring to the table: I bring love, understanding, and compassion to the youth of today. One thing that is closest to my heart is to help teens that have been pulled down the wrong road b/c of today's society or a lack of a strong family. I pray that my gifts and talents can help bring these teenagers closer to Christ and that all young people will understand that we are worthy to come to the table with Jesus.
My favorite youth ministry game: Jesus, Jesus, Satan (My own version of the game Duck, Duck, Goose)
My Catholic Hero: Mother Teresa - she dedicated her whole life to serving others and kept no material possessions.
Favorite Sports Team: Minnesota Vikings
Favorite Food: Real Italian Spaghetti (we're not talking Chef Boyardee)
Favorite Childhood Toy: Large Cardboard Boxes and My Pogo Ball (No Better Way to Fall)
If it was an Olympic event, I would win a gold medal for: Throwing Dirty clothes on the floor!
Favorite late night snack: Oatmeal Cream Pies
I'm most proud of: My wonderful husband and beautiful children

Heather & Jim Weir

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